If there is one title that you could never be bored of, then this should be the one! Minecraft Xbox One and PS4 editions are gearing up to receive a huge Title Update, 4J Studios confirmed in a tweet this week.
The developers were very subtle in the past few weeks and all the releases they did was related to bug fixes. After the important Title Update 19 and others, there were a lot of bugs found in the game. The new features were fun including horses that allowed users to ride long distance, the red stones and new bosses to fight with but they brought some issues that the team fixed in the meantime.
They also spent enough time in promoting the upcoming Minecon 2015 event which is going to be an important one this year. The event will have a strong focus on all versions of the game including the mobile version and the PS Vita edition. PC features are no longer delayed but are finding their way to other platforms as quickly as possible, thanks to 4J.
Huge Update, Any Guesses?
On the official Twitter platform where 4J announced the upcoming update for Minecraft Xbox One and PS4 editions, players have already started discussing some possible updates. The team also confirmed that before the big one, there will be a small patch that will fix more issues, bugs and will boost the performance of the title on all console platforms.
Because of the title being graphically old school, it enables the developers to keep rolling out patches and support PS3, Xbox 360 consoles. If you own the older generation consoles, you hardly have anything to worry about because the support will continue for a long time to come.
Grappling Hooks and More
Most players in the forums have said that they really love those grappling hooks and adding them to Minecraft Xbox One will definitely make the game more fun. Other suggestions include some funny ones like enchanted rods and more fishes so that players could spend more time in catching them all. The update will focus on bringing all the features that are currently available on the PC edition. If you like to know and keep guessing, you could visit the official PC forums to see what they have been enjoying recently.
4J said it is going to be bit bigger but players just can’t stop themselves from getting excited already.
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