Sending photos is one of the most used features on WhatsApp. However, there are some issues that sometimes stop us from sending pictures, and one of them is the bad internet connection.
If you are trying to send a photo on WhatsApp when you have a poor internet connection, it will take a long time and in most of the situations, you will fail to send the photo. However, sometimes, you can encounter problems when sending photos, even if you have a good internet connection.
Today we’re going to give you some tricks that will help you send photos on WhatsApp without facing any issues.
Fixing WhatsApp sending photos issues on iPhone
Clearing WhatsApp Chat history
We recommend you to clean up the application from time to time. Even if you don’t have any memory issues on your iPhone, you should clear the WhatsApp chat history frequently, especially if you use a lot this application. In case you don’t want to lose the chat history, make a backup of the chat and restore it later. When the WhatsApp chat history has been cleaned, try sending photos and see if it works.
Resetting the Network Settings
The internet connectivity issues can usually be solved by resetting the network settings. To do this, go to the Settings of your iPhone and tap on General->Reset->Reset Network Settings. The iPhone will reset the network settings and, after that, it will reboot. As soon as the reboot is finished, try connecting back to the internet and see if you can now send photos on WhatsApp.
Rebooting the iPhone
Usually most of the issues that we have on iPhones can be fixed with a simple reboot of the device. So, try to reboot your iPhone by holding the sleep/wake button for a few seconds until you notice a “slide to power off” button. After the device is turned off, hold the sleep/wake button until you notice that the device is starting up.
Fast Solution
First of all, you will need to turn off the Wi-Fi or Mobile data on your iPhone (the one that you currently use to connect to the internet). After turning off the internet connection, turn on the Airplane mode from the Control Center. After a few seconds, turn off the AirPlane mode and turn back the internet connection data (Wi-Fi or Mobile data). After a while, turn off the Airplane Mode, then turn on the Wi-Fi or Cellular Data.
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