Even though WhatsApp offers users free voice calling and instant messaging services, this application is not free.
All users of WhatsApp have to part with a small fee of $0.99 per year, but this fee only applies after the first year has expired. If anything, this is the only major way that WhatsApp makes money out of this amazing instant messenger. The app itself only requires a reliable internet connection to deliver messages to any person using the same app in any part of the world. Messages that can be included are texts, voice, and video as well as photo messages. The voice calling ability was just added this year and for sure, its success can only be told in numbers.
Since WhatsApp voice calling begun appearing a few months ago, the app has increased its user base by at least 100 million people. This is an amazing feat which means the app gets a sign up rate of over 1 million people per day. The major problem with WhatsApp is that it has been rolling out these updates in stages, mostly considering Android users first and then other platforms that include iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry come in later. At the moment, only those using Android, iOS and BlackBerry 10 can talk of having used WhatsApp voice calling feature on their devices. Others, including Windows Phone users have no idea when this update will be made available on their devices.
WhatsApp video calling for Windows Phone also expected
Users of WhatsApp on Windows Phone devices are not that many. This is one particular reason developers of this application have been rolling out updates in favor of other platforms. In fact, it is only until recently that those using WhatsApp for Windows Phone were able to send and receive voice notes; a feature that has been available on Android and iOS for quite some time now. Furthermore, WhatsApp recently rolled out updates to the Windows Phone app, adding a toggle button for receiving read receipts, new animations, as well as chat bubbles.
These are just minor updates to this app and for sure, they are nothing close to what many of those using WhatsApp for Windows Phone are expecting. However, there is some good news for this minority group as an inside source revealed that WhatsApp voice calling for Windows Phone might as well make its debut together with WhatsApp video calling for Windows Phone. There is also rumor that WhatsApp will integrate its calls into Skype where users will be able to “Call via Skype” when talking to someone else. This is based on the fact that Windows 10 will come with a strong integration of Skype, eliminating the need to download and install the app on your PC.
WhatsApp voice calls for Windows Phone to roll on an invite-only basis
Just as WhatsApp voice calling feature was rolled out on Android, it is expected that WhatsApp for Windows Phone users will get the feature on an invite-only basis. This will then spread across the whole Windows Phone community and eventually appear on all devices using Windows Phone. However, there is little to confirm this news and it is possible to see a different scheme when rolling out the Windows Phone update since this group is not that large.
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