Great news for AI fans: Google is bringing something AI-based soon! The tech giant is reportedly doing some “magic” and started “upgrading the existing [search engine] with A.I. features” as part of a cool project dubbed Magi, which is a sorcerer and eerily similar to Bard, according to the New York Times. The best thing is that the new feature will come up with a “far more personalized experience than the company’s current service.” Well, that will be quite the experience!
So, how would Magi actually work?
Here’s where you’re going to love it! Magi would make Search really shine and give it the ability to come up with accurate answers “about software coding and write code based on a user’s request.” Quite impressive, isn’t it?! By the way, that’s a function for which Google possesses the PaLM technology.
Practically, we will be able to ask some follow-up questions, and adverts will shortly start to pop up right beneath the findings that are generated. Neat!

The NYT explains:
The system would learn what users want to know based on what they’re searching when they begin using it. And it would offer lists of preselected options for objects to buy, information to research and other information. It would also be more conversational — a bit like chatting with a helpful person.
But do you know what’s the coolest thing?! Up to 160 designers, engineers, and executives from Google are presently working full-time on Magi to make everything work like magic and shine through all spaces. Employees have been permitted to test and query Magi as of last week, with a public debut scheduled for May and further goodies arriving this autumn.
On a different matter, based on Google’s beliefs, Samsung could also want to try something new and make a switch because of Bing’s AI capabilities. The contract is “under negotiation, and Samsung could stick with Google.”