GTA Online: How to Move Your Characters to a Next-Gen Console

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There are two ways to move GTA Online characters, according to Rockstar Support. The first is by following the instructions on the Landing Page, and the second is by using the Pause Menu.

To access the GTA Online Landing Page, players must first launch the game on their console and then pick Online. Then they’ll get a new page asking for character migration, and they’ll have to pick which platform account profile they want to move from.

Then, a message will appear notifying users that any GTA$ they have purchased will not be transferable across console manufacturers (PS4 to Xbox Series X|S or Xbox One to PS5). Once they’ve agreed, the migration process will begin, and they’ll be notified when it’s finished.

Users can choose to create a new character or continue with the migrated profile on the following screen. When you make a new character, you’ll be able to use the Career Builder, which has been added to this version of the game.

Gamers are not required to transfer their characters to the next-generation consoles on the first day of release. Because Rockstar hasn’t decided yet on a transfer deadline, they can see how it goes before they make a decision.

Users can migrate through the Pause Menu if they don’t want to use the Landing Page. Just go to the Migrate Profile option in the GTA Online Pause Menu. From this point on, follow the same steps as stated above.

GTA Online is a very popular game, which keeps players interested all day long. Everyone can play it and everyone can enjoy all of its features. While waiting for GTA 6, this is a great way to spend your time.

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